Due to the full-time work hours spent by me (and one of my sons) caring for my large flock year-round, I just do not have enough time to answer a large amount of back-and-forth email messages, or regular mail letters. A simple phone call is better for me, and you too... questions, answers and clarifications can be made quickly and easily.
For more information about my different breeds, you are welcome to phone and speak directly with me:
Bill Roberts 435-862-2512 (cell). If I do not answer, I might be currently on the phone with someone, or busy caring for my birds, etc., so please call back a little later.
I still have my old landline number that I have had for over 40 years: 435-673-5810. But you are more likely to get through to me on my cell phone number: 435-862-2512.
Thank you.
- I send birds most times of the year, but not in the hottest parts of summer because of the heat. Not only is it dangerous for the birds, the post office (USPS) rules do not allow shipment of live animals in the hottest periods of summer.
- I order and use boxes specially designed for EXPRESS MAIL air shipment of chickens (this brand of box is approved by the USPS). They are strong cardboard, roomy, have ventilation holes, and I add straw in the bottom. I do not re-use boxes (I only use new ones). I am willing to spend extra money on these boxes because I have had good luck using them for many years. Express Mail is guaranteed by USPS to arrive within 2 days.
- Or, some customers drive to my farm to choose the specific birds they want. Another benefit is they get a discount, roughly equal to what the Express Mail shipping would have cost. Thursday, Friday, and especially Saturday are my preferred days for visitors, but I could probably adjust my schedule to fit yours on another day. Just phone in advance to set an appointment.
As described above, please do not write and mail a letter for information, but phone instead.
When you are ready to order, here is my address:
Bill Roberts
550 South 400 West
Ivins, UT 84738
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to include YOUR PHONE NUMBER! I will phone you when I receive payment, and again when it is your turn for your birds to be sent. I also need to include your phone number on the Express Mail label.
"Don't take chances. Get 'em directly from Bill."